1 | 8,831 | 33,016 | sunspot-rails-tester | Enable sunspot during testing for *real* integration tests |
2 | 9,263 | 11,704 | relish | Client gem for http://relishapp.com |
3 | 55,717 | 138,048 | diagnostics | A Rails Engine that let's you make diagnostic checks. |
4 | 57,475 | 49,578 | sunspot-rails-failover | Failover support for sunspot_rails |
5 | 77,449 | 80,608 | twitter_hashtag | Search twitter hashtags from the command line |
6 | 88,168 | 101,206 | sunspot-rails-http-basic-auth | HTTP Basic Authentication support for sunspot_rails |
7 | 133,583 | 138,048 | reverse-polish-calculator | Command line RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) calculator |