Serradura's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,9614,339u-attributesThis gem allows you to define "immutable" objects, when using it your objects will only...
210,0334,365kindA development toolkit for Ruby with several small/cohesive abstractions (monads, enums,...
310,1094,345u-caseRepresent use cases in a simple and powerful way while writing modular, expressive and ...
430,15116,214type_validatorAdds type validation for classes with ActiveModel::Validations.
532,55351,323string_utility_beltAdds new features for String objects.
637,97116,468u-authorizationSimple authorization library and role managment for Ruby.
738,46351,323u-serviceCreate simple and powerful service objects.
845,48818,495u-observersSimple and powerful implementation of the observer pattern.
946,96423,754u-structCreate powered Ruby structs.
1077,37451,323ruby-lambdasExposes Ruby object methods as lambdas (functions).
1179,67551,323request_viaA fast and functional (API and paradigm) HTTP client, using only Ruby's standard librar...
1280,74251,323stringub-commonsThis library borned from the early versions of string_utility_belt gem, this gem adds n...
13100,29935,332bcdd-resultUnleash a pragmatic and observable use of Result Pattern and Railway-Oriented Programmi...
14118,06151,323u-testA xUnit family unit testing microframework for Ruby.
15137,67151,323u-thenableA backport/polyfill of `yield self` and` then` methods for old Ruby versions.
16162,91916,740solid-processWrite business logic for Ruby/Rails that scales.
18170,50416,468solid-resultUnleash a pragmatic and observable use of Result Pattern and Railway-Oriented Programmi...
19176,70651,323bcdd-processWrite reliable, self-documented, and self-observable business processes in Ruby.
20180,66835,332solid-adaptersWrite interface contracts using pure Ruby.
21181,12751,323bcdd-contractReliable contract definition, data validation, and type checking for Ruby.
22154,48619,149u-use_caseCreate simple and powerful use cases as objects (aka: service objects).