Railsdog-david's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
120,11986,038rd_searchlogicSearchlogic makes using ActiveRecord named scopes easier and less repetitive.
263,66286,038spree_multi_domainMultiple Spree stores on different domains - single unified backed for processing orders.
372,58286,038spree_store_creditsProvides store credits for a Spree store.
476,38486,038spree_simple_blogToto style blogging for Spree
588,61486,038spree_related_productsAllows multiple types of relationships between products to be defined
692,89486,038spree_volume_pricingAllow prices to be configured in quantity ranges for each variant
7104,33286,038spree_email_to_friendSpree extension to send product recommendations to friends
8116,88386,038spree_active_shippingSpree extension for providing shipping methods that wrap the active_shipping plugin.
9119,12486,038spree_commentsComments for orders and shipments
10121,71986,038spree_affiliateAffiliate support for Spree