Ryansch's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
121,42123,497metaractorAdds parameter validation and error control to interactor
222,96052,733redlock-rbRedlock Redis-based distributed locks implementation in Ruby
324,165105,358ryansch-andandMaybe Monad in idiomatic Ruby.
431,29318,600shipitronA deployment tool for use with Docker and ECS.
534,66627,962ops_preflightPreflight and deploy applications
644,473105,358outstand-sycamoreSycamore is an unordered tree data structure.
744,67452,733has_scheduleExposes an ice_cube schedule object and serializes it.
847,07638,031ace-eyeFORK FOR TESTING. Process monitoring tool. Inspired from Bluepill and God. Requires Rub...
947,11846,623aideAllows a user to mash up keys without multiple calls to Consul
1047,29446,623rescue-meInstead of hardcoding lists of exceptions to rescue, put them in one place!
1147,31838,031faraday_persistent_exconAdds configurable connection pools per host for persistent http connections
1258,75552,733ryansch-ts-resque-deltaManage delta indexes via Resque for Thinking Sphinx
1363,276105,358guard-zeus-clientGuard::ZeusClient automatically runs a zeus command (test by default) when your files c...
1463,42452,733consul_bridgeDiscover consul master nodes and join local agent
1568,33060,424ace_redlockRedlock Redis-based distributed locks implementation in Ruby
1671,47970,697eye-notify-hipchatAdds a hipchat notifier to eye
1772,76870,697consul_stockpileBootstrap and backup for consul kv store
1877,751136,377ace-debugger-ruby_core_sourceProvide Ruby core source files for C extensions that need them.
1979,33260,424ryansch-mock_redisInstantiate one with `redis = MockRedis.new` and treat it like you would a normal Redis...
2081,53470,697ryansch-awesome_printGreat Ruby dubugging companion: pretty print Ruby objects to visualize their structure....
2190,563105,358hash_argsfetch_arg and fetch_arg_array add additional options to Hash's fetch method.
2298,45384,840ryansch-resque-lonerMakes sure that for special jobs, there can be only one job with the same workload in o...
23103,479105,358ryansch-capybara-mechanizeRackTest driver for Capybara, but with remote request support thanks to mechanize
24124,691136,377mail_actual_recipientParses the actual recipient header to determine the destinations.
25124,74084,840node_heartbeatHeartbeat server IPs to S3
26128,723105,358ryansch-paperclipEasy upload management for ActiveRecord
27131,466105,358ryansch-resque_specRSpec matchers for Resque
28131,700105,358ryansch-bluepillBluepill keeps your daemons up while taking up as little resources as possible. After a...
29135,283168,370elasticsnapConsistent snapshots for elasticsearch
30140,88570,697metaractor-sycamoreSycamore is an unordered tree data structure.
31154,487136,377persistent_exconAdds configurable connection pools per host for persistent http connections
32155,50484,840outstand-tty-commandExecute shell commands with pretty output logging and capture their stdout, stderr and ...
33159,203136,377ecs_consoleRun a remote console on ECS
34172,274105,358detaso-oprahOpinionated presenters for Rails 5 - without the cruft