1 | 7,945 | 37,317 | catarse_pagarme | Pagar.me engine for catarse |
2 | 13,073 | 12,310 | catarse_moip | MoIP integration with Catarse crowdfunding platform |
3 | 22,676 | 69,639 | catarse_paypal_express | PaypalExpress integration with Catarse crowdfunding platform |
4 | 24,774 | 69,639 | dbhero | Based on heroku dataclips feature, SQL -> Dataset |
5 | 27,640 | 69,639 | eleven40_16 | a 16 column cssgrid implementation in compass based in eleven40 |
6 | 30,978 | 69,639 | catarse_monkeymail | A new catarse integration with mailchimp |
7 | 38,797 | 46,004 | catarse_settings_db | Provide a Settings class to be used in Catarse that will store all data on a table cont... |
8 | 50,782 | 69,639 | catarse_credits | Credits integration for catarse |
9 | 53,235 | 46,004 | mini_token | Generate simple tokens for short url and other things |
10 | 108,759 | 69,639 | catarse_mailchimp | MailChimp integration with Catarse crowdfunding platform |
11 | 122,973 | 69,639 | moip_catarse | Gem para utilização da API MoIP |
12 | 181,210 | 69,639 | blnk | Ruby SDK to connect and interact with BLNK Ledger |