Devton's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,94537, engine for catarse
213,07312,310catarse_moipMoIP integration with Catarse crowdfunding platform
322,67669,639catarse_paypal_expressPaypalExpress integration with Catarse crowdfunding platform
424,77469,639dbheroBased on heroku dataclips feature, SQL -> Dataset
527,64069,639eleven40_16a 16 column cssgrid implementation in compass based in eleven40
630,97869,639catarse_monkeymailA new catarse integration with mailchimp
738,79746,004catarse_settings_dbProvide a Settings class to be used in Catarse that will store all data on a table cont...
850,78269,639catarse_creditsCredits integration for catarse
953,23546,004mini_tokenGenerate simple tokens for short url and other things
10108,75969,639catarse_mailchimpMailChimp integration with Catarse crowdfunding platform
11122,97369,639moip_catarseGem para utilização da API MoIP
12181,21069,639blnkRuby SDK to connect and interact with BLNK Ledger