Ddnexus's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,403789pagyAgnostic pagination in plain ruby. It does it all. Better.
28,28354,789hoboThe web app builder for Rails
39,41232,525hobo_supportCore Ruby extensions from the Hobo project
410,34754,789drymlThe Don't Repeat Yourself Markup Language
510,79923,794hobo_fieldsRich field types and migration generator for Rails
617,46554,789irtIf you use IRT in place of irb or Rails Console, you will have more tools that will mak...
720,36954,789elastics-railsProvides the engine, generators and helpers to integrate Elastics with Rails
820,39632,525elastics-modelsProvides ActiveRecord, Mongoid, ActiveModel and elasticsearch-mapper-attachment integra...
920,40654,789elastics-scopesProvides an easy to use ruby API to search elasticsearch with ActiveRecord-like chainab...
1020,42654,789elastics-clientCore gem used by all the elastics gems. Provides the core resources: HTTP clients, Elas...
1120,49823,794elastics-adminProvides binary and rake tasks to dump, load and optionally rename indices. Implements ...
1222,57954,789flexFlex is the ultimate ruby client for elasticsearch. It is powerful, fast and efficient,...
1324,28154,789elastics-legacyProvides out-of-the box legacy compatibility (with flex and old versions). Use it for a...
1428,71454,789colorerColorer adds the basic ANSI styles to any string, allowing also to define your own stiles
1531,85454,789dyeDye adds the basic ANSI styles to any string, allowing also to define your own stiles
1634,35354,789prompterA few helpers to create colored, multistep and hierarchical wizards
1740,89554,789flex-scopesProvides an easy to use ruby API to search elasticsearch with ActiveRecord-like chainab...
1841,05554,789flex-modelsProvides ActiveRecord, Mongoid, ActiveModel and elasticsearch-mapper-attachment integra...
1945,16432,525flex-railsProvides the engine, generators and helpers to integrate Flex with Rails
2050,49854,789flex-adminProvides binary and rake tasks to dump, load and optionally rename indices. Implements ...
2155,34554,789rematchInstead of copying and pasting large outputs or big ruby structures into all the affect...
2255,82754,789gemyUseful if you are a gem author: it eases testing your gem locally, and pushing it to Ru...
2359,46954,789dryml-firemarkerDryml FireMarker annotates the output of Hobo and Rails apps that use the DRYML templat...
2484,08620,576pagy-extrasDiscontinued gem, now integrated in Pagy. Use Pagy directly.
25137,07354,789rakextRakext allows you to create rake tasks by just writing methods. Besides, you can pass t...