Fphilipe's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1469664premailer-railsThis gem brings you the power of the premailer gem to Rails withou...
24,7846,371i18n-debugEver wondered which translations are being looked up by Rails, a gem, or simply your ap...
310,17216,557premailer-rails3This gem brings you the power of the premailer gem to Rails withou...
415,53823,838warden-github-railsAn easy drop in solution for rails to use GitHub authentication.
519,05412,195xipioWhen reading the subdomain of an xip.io request, you will get a different value compare...
638,31851,220resque-async_deliverThis gem makes it possible to send mails asynchronously using Resque by simply rewritin...
769,52251,220ichniteBring structured logging to your Ruby applications.
872,57218,229i18n-backend-side_by_sideTired of jumping between language files when translating keys? Stop jumping and have al...
980,62251,220sidekiq-ichniteImplement a structured logging approach for sidekiq.
10103,36166,923bundler-private_installA Bundler plugin that installs gems in an additional private Gemfile after bundle install.
11108,32651,220sidekiq-slogImplement a structured logging approach for sidekiq.
12138,38951,220push_builderEasily construct JSON payloads for Apple's push notification service.