Palladius's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,49963,432gcloudgcloud is the legacy support library for the new google-cloud library.
211,66763,432kubernetesCurrently a placeholder. In the future, a Gem to get up to speed with Kubernetes. For m...
315,3957,374ricMy first gem with various utilities (colors and tests now). My name is Riccardo, hen...
461,34825,458rMy second gem, and most minimalistic.
561,40430,305storazzoA simple gem to manage your external hard drives and extract MD5 and common stuff from ...
668,14563,432googlecloudMy Google Cloud gem ('googlecloud') with various utilities. It deploys gcutil, ...
771,55963,432palladiusMy PALLADIUS gem with various utilities. More to come
885,03325,458sakuricMy SAKURA gem with various utilities. This is my swiss-army knife for Linux and Mac. Se...
996,18830,305riclibMy first Riccardo gem with various utilities (colors and tests now)
10122,00263,432miniricThis is a simple hello world gem copied from
11147,88163,432iloveyouMust be that I'm in love..
12157,36930,305riccI have a few gems from the past, wanted to start a new one in the era of Ruby2 and Rails6
13174,20563,432gughelA simple hello world gughel utils gem
14174,27263,432gugolA simple hello world Gugol utils gem