Dirkkelly's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,60933,893radiant-shop-extensionRadiant Shop is an attempt at a simple but complete store. It includes Products, Catego...
224,74141,086yddYDD is a tool (a fork of yaml_db really) to make it generally easy to use it for things...
325,99361,367radiant-forms-extensionSend data from a page to a form handler, extendable with addons
430,43141,086radiant-images-extensionImage Radiant Extension management tool, meant only to be useful to pages and extension...
530,89161,367radiant-layouts-extensionExtends Radiant Layouts to support nesting, sharing with Rails Controllers and renderin...
632,82761,367radiant-drag_order-extensionRadiant DragOrder allows you to reorder pages funly
735,67261,367radiant-users-extensionMakes Radiant better by adding users!
836,03761,367radiant-shop_discounts-extensionRadiantShop: Apply discounts to Products and Categories and have them accessed through ...
943,55433,893radiant-shop_variants-extensionRadiantShop: Create variants of products, with alternative prices
1048,69461,367radiant-shop_packages-extensionRadiantShop: Group up Products into packages, you can assign a price to a package
1157,61561,367ffakeronRon Swanson addition to Faker library
1258,62961,367activemerchant-paywayActiveMerchant PayWay Plugin
1376,33761,367radiant-navigation-extensionNavigation provides a way to generate navigation (with useful classes)
1481,95761,367activemerchant-anz-gatewayProvides an interface to ANZ for the Activemerchant library, fork of github@anujluthra'...
1586,59761,367ffakertimeAdventure Time addition to Ffaker