Jgorset's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,8943,291facebook-messengerFacebook Messenger client
215,11651,220capistrano-foremanCapistrano tasks for foreman and upstart/systemd.
321,53251,220adamAdam is a library for all things EVE
431,51320,837labelLabels gems in your Gemfile
543,84451,220cellularSending and receiving SMSs through pluggable backends
646,45551,220openid-token-proxyRetrieves and refreshes OpenID tokens on behalf of a user when dealing with complex aut...
747,07051,220meemMeme generator
850,34151,220embeddableEmbeddable makes it easier to embed videos.
957,91151,220git.ioCommand-line client for GitHub's URL shortener, git.io.
1058,76251,220mingleFacebook, Twitter and Instagram integration for Ruby on Rails
1162,02451,220discotechDisco time!
1266,40451,220gamificationGamification is a collection of models for Ruby on Rails that allows you to make anythi...
1368,93216,557tasukuEasily set up custom solvable tasks in your Ruby on Rails app.
1489,33451,220knowledge_baseKnowledge Base is a bunch of models for Ruby on Rails that you probably need to build y...
1590,69051,220custodianCustodian is a lightweight resource monitor that is easy to use and augment
1798,19751,220gitlab-cliCommand-line client for GitLab
18109,58051,220reraisesReraise an exception as another
19127,52151,220jgorset-searchFile search
20138,10529,512obixoBIX parser
21146,38151,220garbleGarble replaces words with synonyms
22153,43051,220client_versionRack middleware for forcing clients to upgrade