Marcosz's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
131,79851,220marcosgz-cap-recipeCapistrano recipe
259,63151,220esseWith all elegance of Ruby and ElasticSearch flexibility this gem brings to you the best...
365,77451,220parceiraImporting of CSV Files as Array(s) of Hashes with featured to process large csv files a...
473,94251,220capistrano-multimarketCapistrano multimarket
594,80751,220marcosgz-cap-templateCapistrano Templates
6102,58151,220rollbackerRollbacker allows you to declaratively specify what CRUD operations should be audited. ...
7102,73251,220async_storageAsynchronous key-value storage system
8109,81151,220check-sitemapParse a sitemap.xml URLS and check status of each URL
9117,92151,220pdf2htmlexpdf2htmlEX helps to convert PDF files into HTML. This simple library uses the pdf2htmlE...
10123,64751,220dalli-keys-matchDalli::KeysMatch extends Dalli with a function that allow you to list or remove keys us...
11128,01351,220fluxoProvides a simple and powerful way to create operations service objects for complex wor...
12139,23351,220obfuscSimple script to obfuscate one or more files preserving the directory tree
13146,13051,220esse-active_recordActiveRecord extensions for Esse
14165,45551,220calendar_builderSimple calendar helper
15167,26429,512esse-rspecRSpec for Esse
16171,47851,220esse-jbuilderExtends the Esse Search using Jbuilder DSL to build the request body
17173,65251,220esse-railsA Ruby on Rails integration for Esse gem
18174,27651,220multi-background-jobA generic swappable background-job handling.
19175,24051,220esse-kaminariKaminari extensions for Esse
20176,55951,220esse-pagyPagy extensions for Esse
21176,56951,220esse-async_indexingExtends Esse to allow async indexing using Faktory or Sidekiq.
22177,67451,220background_jobA generic swappable background job client that allows you to push jobs to different bac...
23177,78351,220esse-redis_storageAdd-on for the esse gem to be used with Redis as a storage backend.
24181,36651,220esse-will_paginateWillPaginate extensions for Esse