Gerhardlazu's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
137,08529,289graphite-metricConverts hashes and arrays into graphite plaintext format. Creates hashes from graphite...
242,40866,011chef-extensionsCommands useful for checking internet connectivity, VM presence etc.
346,05325,563hstructStruct with the convenience of instantiating from a Hash
467,145107,996checkRedis backed service for monitoring metric data streams against pre-defined thresholds
5132,66366,011google_image_chartCreates PNGs from chart data
6133,94466,011romqGracefully handle common amqp exceptions for more robust clients.
7134,043107,996redis_gunStarts many redis-server instances quickly
8137,214107,996snowdenFuzzy encrypted indexes in ruby