Egonschiele's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,1532,067contractsThis library provides contracts for Ruby. Contracts let you clearly express how your co...
220,84117,062mdpressSimple gem to build impress.js presentations from markdown files.
334,78723,430basicsCheat sheets for basic programming knowledge.
438,09724,775console_rendererA renderer for Redcarpet. Render Markdown to the command line!
541,13469,238ghsFind the clone url for repos on Github
655,19230,898basics_editEdit basics
780,02643,643codaOpen files with Coda from the command line.
889,16969,238fast_structA very fast implementation of OpenStruct that also supports deep wrapping.
9108,95951,580adit-pastePersonal paste service
10118,65669,238evalCodepad is a remote code evaluation service. eval uses codepad to run code from various...
11120,48051,580curryBetter functional programming in Ruby [Experimental]
12128,85469,238makegemEasy-to-use gem builder for Ruby.
13132,09869,238fast_jsminThis is a ruby -> C wrapper extension for Douglas Crockford's awesome jsmin.
14132,31369,238revalCodepad is a remote code evaluation service. reval uses codepad to run code from variou...
15137,70369,238wssSimple websocket server / client
16150,41551,580chorewheelMake a chore wheel, with options for specifying multiple people, vacation days, etc.