Ferrous26's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111,99715,400rspec-prideMimics the functionality of minitest/pride for RSpec3
213,75263,432jiraSOAPWritten to run fast and work on Ruby 1.9 as well as MacRuby
314,64541,916accessibility_coreaccessibility_core is a wrapper around the OS X Accessibility framework. Some other ex...
416,31041,916AXElementsAXElements is a UI automation library built on top of various OS X frameworks. You can ...
521,30241,916mousemouse is a rich, high level wrapper around OS X CGEvent APIs that allow programmatic ma...
624,8329,510rubygems-compileA trio of rubygems commands that interface with the MacRuby compiler.
733,62363,432hotcocoaHotCocoa is a Cocoa mapping library for MacRuby. It simplifies the use of complex Coco...
839,62141,916AXTyperSimulate keyboard input via the Mac OS X Accessibility Framework. This gem is a compone...
955,92819,893screen_recorderscreen_recorder is a wrapper around some of the OS X AVFoundation framework. Originall...
1057,05463,432accessibility_bridgeaccessibility_bridge is a wrapper around various bits of Cocoa so that the various acce...
1169,77519,893rspec-ax_elementsRSpec extensions for using AXElements
1270,98263,432accessibility_keyboardSimulate keyboard input via the Mac OS X Accessibility Framework. This gem is a compone...
1377,24725,458SalutUses the Objective-C NetService classes to advertise and discover services on the local...
1494,83063,432mr_keychainTakes advantage of MacRuby and uses APIs new in Snow Leopard to create, read, and updat...
15112,91963,432minitest-ax_elementsMiniTest extensions for AXElements