Holderbaum's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
115,00216,697boundImplements a nice helper for fast boundary definitions
231,18553,556transistorClient for the radiotower.io service
331,42128,793neo-dciSimple DCI
437,77153,556store-active_recordBasic ActiveRecord DataMapper for Store.
539,70153,556appjsThat's how we structure the JS in our Rails-apps.
642,81086,038storeRepository Pattern and Data-Mapper Pattern
742,83731,663rubyfox-clientRuby bindings for SmartFox's client.
858,13786,038store-memoryBasic Memory DataMapper for Store.
960,91286,038unschemaSplits your current schema.rb into per-table migrations. Think of it as >rebase< ...
1062,29386,038actingLet your objects play an acting - just for a while
1174,57586,038store-specShared specs for different DataMapper implementations as Memory or ActiveRecord.
1275,87235,920hash_filterSimple hash filter
1394,84153,556callCallback-Trigger-Pingpong for clean DCI implementation.
1496,04786,038fasterMy default setup for writing text documents, utilizing pandoc, erb, markdown and latex
15105,48686,038teatimeAt featurefabrik, we are big fans of javascript and testing. Also we believe, that moc...
16116,10986,038active_templateAllows you to render templates from any source besides the filesystem
17129,28486,038warPlain ruby corewar implementation
18129,75386,038enchiladause case driven development should be easy!
19141,60253,556leanLean framework
20142,27286,038respondingKind of a Struct implementation, but with a nested structure.
21144,76286,038static_uidGenerates static and readable UIDs
22145,38586,038service_packSimple base class to simplify service provider classes
23168,22386,038phrasedPassphrases became widely used through diceware.