Outoftime's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,6513,093sunspotSunspot is a library providing a powerful, all-ruby API for the Solr search engine. Sun...
22,7153,118sunspot_railsSunspot::Rails is an extension to the Sunspot library for Solr search. Sunspot::Rai...
33,1093,622sunspot_solrSunspot::Solr provides a bundled Solr distribution for use with Sunspot. Typical de...
43,6085,690syckA gemified version of Syck from Ruby's stdlib. Syck has been removed from Ruby's stdli...
55,52216,617cequelCequel is an ActiveRecord-like domain model layer for Cassandra that exposes the robust...
628,96234,794elastictasticElastictastic is an object-document mapper and lightweight API adapter for ElasticSearc...
731,51634,794eager_recordEagerRecord extends ActiveRecord to automate association preloading. Each time a collec...
834,60734,794rake_serverRakeServer is a library which allows Rake tasks to be run using client requests to a lo...
949,16934,794shearwaterShearwater is a tiny framework for managing migrations in an everything-agnostic way. I...
1057,15734,794gem_snapshotGem plugin that provides two new rubygems commands, `gem snapshot dump' and `gem snapsh...
1161,08634,794hubmemeHubMeme is a whimsical command-line tool to figure out how big a meme a user is on GitH...
12106,14034,794orm_adapter-cequelORM adapter for Cequel, the CQL3 ORM for Ruby
13112,75634,794noaaRuby API for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration weather data
14114,04634,794outoftime-vagrant-librarian-puppetA Vagrant plugin to install Puppet modules using Librarian-Puppet.
15128,91334,794cequel-deviseIntegration for Devise with the Cequel Cassandra ORM