Botandrose's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1194417database_cleanerStrategies for cleaning databases. Can be used to ensure a clean slate for testing.
2658209database_cleaner-active_recordStrategies for cleaning databases using ActiveRecord. Can be used to ensure a clean sta...
3713281database_cleaner-coreStrategies for cleaning databases. Can be used to ensure a clean slate for testing.
42,8572,833database_cleaner-redisStrategies for cleaning databases using Redis. Can be used to ensure a clean state for ...
52,9212,792database_cleaner-mongoidStrategies for cleaning databases using Mongoid. Can be used to ensure a clean state fo...
63,7983,106database_cleaner-sequelStrategies for cleaning databases using Sequel. Can be used to ensure a clean state for...
76,35224,456bardCLI to automate common development tasks.
86,73010,406database_cleaner-mongoStrategies for cleaning databases using Mongo. Can be used to ensure a clean state for ...
910,3537,467bard-rakeRake tasks for all bard projects. * Bootstrap projects * Database backup
1012,30213,862sprockets-image_compressorLosslessly compress images in the Rails asset pipeline
1120,09124,456chopSlice and dice your cucumber tables with ease!
1220,29540,310bard_staticHandcrafted prototypes for Rails.
1322,01415,317elm-compilerAllows you compile Elm files and write to a file or stdout
1428,80840,310bard-staticHandcrafted prototypes for Rails.
1531,71727,598savageryRuthlessly sprites SVGs
1631,76640,310active_record-json_associationsInstead of a many-to-many join table, serialize the ids into a JSON array.
1732,67840,310wtforumRuby library that wraps Website Toolbox's forum API.
1834,54840,310decisiveDSL for rendering CSVs from an array of objects
1937,38727,598ds_media_libraryDownstream Media Library Rails Engine
2041,07627,598red_capLibrary for connecting to REDCap and parsing forms and data
2141,39227,598capybara-headless_chromeA nice and tidy Capybara driver for headless Chrome. Even supports file downloads!
2243,41027,598ember-emblem-templateThe sprockets template for Ember Emblem.
2346,80240,310ember-rails-assetsasset-path helper for ember-rails, including digest!
2449,41140,310refinerycms-ckeditorReplaces WYMEditor with CKEditor in Refinery CMS
2552,46340,310amaranthLibrary for accessing the Amara REST API
2656,38940,310active_record-json_has_manyInstead of a many-to-many join table, serialize the ids into a JSON array.
2757,25840,310elm-railsCompile Elm through Sprockets
2862,58440,310input_cssThis plugin taps into Rails tag helpers and adds a CSS class equal to the type attribut...
2963,81140,310bard-sassSass files across all Bot and Rose projects
3063,9238,731backhoeDump and load current database to and from a file.
3164,69227,598nacelleEmbed cells in the markup of your CMS.
3269,18640,310study_engineA Rails Engine for building METRC studies
3376,34727,598labelled_formAdds label option to Rails form helpers
3482,60340,310bard-staging_bannerMiddleware to inject an annoying banner on every page in the staging environment
3583,16240,310asset_precompilation_finderSets the Rails asset precompilation path to compile everything except partials, and com...
3684,04940,310adva_fckeditorAdva FCKEditor
3786,70640,310rack-disable_css_animationsRack middleware to disable CSS animations sitewide. Useful for making acceptance tests ...
3887,23140,310compass-querystring_cachebusterAdds Rails-style querystring cachebusters to compass sprites.
3990,20240,310foreman-export-systemd_userUpstart user-level export scripts for systemd on Ubuntu 16.04+
4094,87340,310haml2handlebarsConverts Haml templates to Handlebars templates using the official Haml::Engine
4199,69440,310database_cleaner-mongo_mapperStrategies for cleaning databases using MongoMapper. Can be used to ensure a clean stat...
4299,95840,310ds_nodeGem for interfacing with Downstream's DSNode
43101,07140,310database_cleaner-ohmStrategies for cleaning databases using Ohm. Can be used to ensure a clean state for te...
44103,85240,310database_cleaner-neo4jStrategies for cleaning databases using Neo4j. Can be used to ensure a clean state for ...
45106,88840,310advaAdva CMS
46108,51440,310active_record-order_by_idsOrder your ActiveRecord scopes by a supplied list of ids
47112,50840,310active_record-nested_attributes-destroy_ifAdds :destroy_if option to accepts_nested_attributes_for, which is basically a stronger...
48112,91440,310database_cleaner-mopedStrategies for cleaning databases using Moped. Can be used to ensure a clean state for ...
49114,56140,310database_cleaner-data_mapperStrategies for cleaning databases using DataMapper. Can be used to ensure a clean state...
50116,72940,310database_cleaner-couch_potatoStrategies for cleaning databases using CouchPotato. Can be used to ensure a clean stat...
51119,81540,310adva_blogAdva Blog
52120,78340,310bard_staging_bannerMiddleware to inject an annoying banner on every page in the staging environment
53124,88140,310foreman-export-upstart_userUpstart user-level export scripts for foreman
54128,53940,310siameseSend SMS messages in Rails with Twilio
55130,36140,310rack-rewrite_root_filterRack middleware to rewrite the links on both the request and the response.
56130,64740,310emblem-sprocketsUse emblem.js with sprockets - see
57136,18340,310adva_cmsAdva CMS
58137,09940,310adva_activityAdva Activity
59143,59640,310active_storage-cloud_transformationsGenerate ActiveStorage Variants and Previews via external cloud services, rather than o...
60145,33440,310rack-easouRender 400 error whenever a request's %-encoding is malformed
61146,53840,310adva_userAdva User
62147,33640,310adva_rbacAdva RBAC
63147,49440,310adva_cellsAdva Cells
64148,71740,310adva_meta_tagsAdva Meta Tags
65156,06124,456zonesyncSync your Zone file with your DNS host
66157,05240,310cuprite-downloadsAdds file download capabilities to Cuprite
67165,03040,310cat_engineRuby wrapper around C# Cat Engine
68177,14840,310adva_commentsAdva Comments
69177,68240,310sprockets-componentsMake web components easier to develop using Sprockets.
70179,90240,310bard-file_fieldEnhanced file field
71181,553-bard-backupProvides automated db backups for bard projects