Argent_smith's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,8298,783carrierwave-video-thumbnailerLets you make video thumbnails in carrierwave via ffmpegthumbnailer
243,54844,005rshBSD rsh(1) cli program wrapper; pure ruby remote shell client implementation.
351,04253,644girrorRetrieves remote directory via SFTP and stores it in local Git repository.
466,507147,291autotest-cucumber-notificationThis is an autotest plugin that will notify you about the results of your Cucumber feat...
568,11760,549xspf2m3uUsage: xspf2m3u -i one.xspf -o two.m3u
672,029107,887cucumber-notifyThis is now a meta-gem which is only delegating all functionality to 'autotest-cucumber...
781,50771,169tracelogger"tracelogger host" sends the results of `traceroute #{host}` to syslog.