1 | 6,829 | 8,783 | carrierwave-video-thumbnailer | Lets you make video thumbnails in carrierwave via ffmpegthumbnailer |
2 | 43,548 | 44,005 | rsh | BSD rsh(1) cli program wrapper; pure ruby remote shell client implementation. |
3 | 51,042 | 53,644 | girror | Retrieves remote directory via SFTP and stores it in local Git repository. |
4 | 66,507 | 147,291 | autotest-cucumber-notification | This is an autotest plugin that will notify you about the results of your Cucumber feat... |
5 | 68,117 | 60,549 | xspf2m3u | Usage: xspf2m3u -i one.xspf -o two.m3u |
6 | 72,029 | 107,887 | cucumber-notify | This is now a meta-gem which is only delegating all functionality to 'autotest-cucumber... |
7 | 81,507 | 71,169 | tracelogger | "tracelogger host" sends the results of `traceroute #{host}` to syslog. |