Rainerborene's Gems
# | Total Rank | Daily Rank | Name | Summary |
1 | 50,604 | 59,086 | pagseguro_next | Yet another client to PagSeguro API |
2 | 90,523 | 59,086 | depot | A simple DSL for defining database seeds in Rails. |
3 | 113,859 | 35,677 | f2b | Integração com o serviço da F2b para envio e agendamento de cobranças. |
4 | 117,058 | 35,677 | newsmonitor | NewsMonitor API wrapper |
5 | 137,848 | 35,677 | gmxcheckout | A simple and easy to use library to integrate with gmxCheckout |
6 | 173,115 | 59,086 | taskforce | Asynchronous processing tool that uses cutting edge features in PostgreSQL. |