1 | 18,557 | 42,025 | atech | Libraries & Utilities from aTech Media |
2 | 20,331 | 86,038 | atech-billy | Easy to use client library for Billy |
3 | 20,505 | 42,025 | codebase4 | The RubyGem for Codebase v4 Deployment Tracking (replaces previous codebase gems) |
4 | 25,914 | 53,556 | atech_cloud | The RubyGem for the aTech Cloud |
5 | 30,204 | 21,532 | uninterruptible | Uninterruptible gives your socket server magic restarting powers. Send your running Uni... |
6 | 30,835 | 86,038 | rbg | Ruby Backgrounder allows multiple copies of ruby scripts to be run in the background an... |
7 | 42,476 | 53,556 | steve | Steve Jobs background job runner |
8 | 47,880 | 53,556 | objectstore | A SQL based object store library |
9 | 55,321 | 22,512 | leveret | Simple RabbitMQ backed backround worker |
10 | 55,741 | 86,038 | blogpostify | Fetch, cache and display blog posts in your Rails app. |
11 | 64,837 | 86,038 | ssh-wrapper | Ruby wrapper for ssh |
12 | 66,716 | 86,038 | deploy-agent | This gem allows you to configure a secure proxy through which Deploy can forward connec... |
13 | 77,370 | 23,626 | ruby-libvirt-catphish | Ruby bindings for libvirt. |
14 | 81,405 | 86,038 | secure_trading | Secure Trading Ruby Library |
15 | 97,488 | 42,025 | mail_autoconfig | Determine configuration details for a mailbox using Mozilla's ISPDB |
16 | 97,799 | 86,038 | network_logger_io | An IO stream to log to a remote server via UDP |
17 | 102,830 | 86,038 | gcm-client | A Ruby client library for communicating with the GCM Proxy server. |
18 | 127,454 | 86,038 | ssh-gemspec | Ruby wrapper for ssh |