1 | 6,418 | 22,223 | rubber | The rubber plugin enables relatively complex multi-instance deployments of RubyOnRails ... |
2 | 71,793 | 74,484 | resque-uuid | Generates a UUID for Resque jobs as they are enqueued |
3 | 109,377 | 51,783 | backupify-rsolr-nokogiri | A fork of rsolr that uses nokogiri in place of builder for xml generation |
4 | 116,834 | 36,831 | pandapay | PandaPay Ruby Bindings |
5 | 131,354 | 74,484 | dave-test-gem | test gem, please ignore |
6 | 158,310 | 74,484 | davebenvenuti-prawn | Prawn is a fast, tiny, and nimble PDF generator for Ruby |
7 | 173,161 | 74,484 | script_ripper | Rip shell scripts out of instructional web pages |