Josepjaume's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,7276,892spinachSpinach is a BDD framework on top of gherkin
23,8157,001gherkin-rubyGherkin-ruby is a Gherkin parser in pure Ruby using Rexical and Racc
33,9348,188spinach-railsspinach-rails adds Rails support to spinach
47,52123,626futuroscopeFuturoscope is yet another simple gem that implements the Futures concurrency pattern.
566,50586,038dexterDexter helps you organize your tv series with well, you know... Dexterity
674,41086,038robinhoodRobin hood leverages celluloid actors and redis-mutex to distribute long-lived, single-...
786,02086,038sass-imagesA sass helper that knows how to deal with images