Spooner's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,6064,718texplayTexPlay is a light-weight image manipulation framework for Ruby and Gosu
218,35517,868fidgitFidgit is a GUI library built on Gosu/Chingu
331,56132,169ashtonExtra special effects, such as shader, for the Gosu game-development library
435,68332,169perlinPerlin Noise C extension A Perlin/Simplex noise implementation based of
551,33760,424releasyReleasy helps to make Ruby application releases simpler, by creating and archiving sour...
672,77460,424smash_and_grabTurn-based isometric heist game
779,90584,840google-browseThis is a very simple text browser which aids in searching and navigating on Google.com...
883,54570,697ruby_armorGUI interface for RubyWarrior
993,136136,377config_leafConfigLeaf allows an object to be configured using a terse syntax like Object#instance_...
10157,998105,358galeRead Graphics Gale (.gal) files