Raygao's Gems
# | Total Rank | Daily Rank | Name | Summary |
1 | 28,724 | 26,667 | asf-soap-adapter | ASF-Soap-Adapter is an improved version of ActiveSalesforce (ASF) is a Rails connection... |
2 | 34,154 | 51,488 | asf-rest-adapter | REST based adapter for Salesforce |
3 | 96,526 | 129,735 | raystest | Raystest: This is RayGao's 1st test gem on RubyGems.org, now github is no longer suppor... |
4 | 113,668 | 129,735 | rforce-raygao | An temporary patch of the RForce 0.4.1, increased the DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE from 10 to 200... |