Tomasc's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,5854,864dragonfly_svgDragonfly analyser and processor for SVGs.
212,38911,886mongoid_fulltextFull-text search for the Mongoid ORM, using n-grams extracted from text.
312,8667,344mongoid_recurringRecurring date time fields for Mongoid models.
412,9927,344mongoid_ice_cube_extensionMongoid field extension that serializes/deserializes IceCube Schedule and Rule objects.
515,24980,049mongoid_abilityCustom Ability class that allows CanCanCan authorization library store permissions in M...
615,99213,345semantic_date_time_tagsRails helpers for handling dates and time.
718,22510,853picture_tagRails helper for tag integrated with Picturefill.
820,28615,526dragonfly_pdfDragonfly PDF analysers and processors.
921,60934,466mongo_mapper_versionedVersioned plugin for MongoMapper
1021,85912,543dragonfly_libvipsDragonfly analysers and processors for libvips image processing library.
1122,65246,897simple_form_attachmentsA Rails engine which takes care of creating Attachments using the jQuery File Upload pl...
1228,70346,897improve_typographyImproves typography (quotes, hyphens, etc.) of a given string. Works well with I18n.
1331,02280,049mongoid_markdown_extensionCustom field type for Mongoid that handles Markdown conversion via Redcarpet gem.
1432,16461,626mongoid-archivableMove Mongoid documents to an archive instead of destroying them.
1532,60280,049simple_form_markdown_editorSimple Markdown editor (inspired by GitHub editor).
1634,45280,049mongoid_permalink_extensionCustom field type for Mongoid that automatically converts strings to URL slugs.
1735,63880,049simple_form_localized_inputCustom input for Simple Form that renders Mongoid fields for multiple locales.
1836,19146,897dragonfly-mongoid_data_storeDragonfly data store that uses Mongoid::GridFs.
1938,64861,626mongoid_trafficAggregated traffic logs stored in MongoDB.
2039,24580,049vime_view_componentsViewComponents for vime.js
2139,98846,897dragonfly_fontsWraps common font-related tasks into Dragonfly analysers and processors.
2241,51580,049mongo_mapper_acts_as_listThis is a port of classic Rails' acts_as_list to Mongo Mapper. This Mongo Mapper plugin...
2341,76280,049mongoid_activity_trackerMinimal set of classes and modules to help with activity tracking.
2442,58680,049mongo_mapper_acts_as_treePort of classic Rails ActsAsTree for MongoMapper
2544,50613,924has_stimulus_attrsHelper methods for dealing with stimulus attributes.
2644,98946,897dragonfly_audioWraps common audio-related tasks into Dragonfly analysers and processors.
2745,90913,345has_dom_attrsHelper methods for dealing with html element attributes.
2845,92461,626elasticsearch-model-mongoid_extensionsElasticsearch::Model extensions for Mongoid adding support of single collection inherit...
2946,35713,248stimulus_helpersHelper methods for stimulus controllers.
3046,48339,736dragonfly_phantomjsAn encoder converting .html or .svg documents to .gif, .jpeg, .pdf or .png using PhantomJs
3148,34146,897dragonfly_harfbuzzHarfbuzz renderer wrapped by Dragonfly processors.
3251,32380,049mongoid_occurrencesFacilitates aggregations for events with multiple occurrences or a recurring schedule.
3359,38080,049mongoid-path_extensionMongoid field extension simplifying path parsing.
3460,58328,088d3_chartsRails helpers for building SVG charts using the d3 library.
3561,28346,897mongoid-enum_attributeTake on ActiveRecord::Enum in Mongoid
3664,45980,049mongoid_versioningVersioning Mongoid documents by means of separate collection.
3767,67119,768can_i_useVery light Ruby wrapper on caniuse data.
3869,77880,049simple_form_recurring_selectWrapper around the 'recurring_select' gem for SimpleForm.
3969,88580,049hashtagsRails engine to facilitate inline text hashtags.
4073,99780,049object_stateEncapsulates object's state, converts from/to params and to cache_key.
4186,64280,049pdf-rendering-srv-rubySimple Ruby wrapper for seding requests to pdf-rendering-srv.
4287,18246,897cycle2-railsCycle2 is a versatile slideshow plugin for jQuery built around ease-of-use.
4389,03880,049simple_form_nested_fieldsDynamically create and remove nested fields with simple_form
4495,06480,049simple_form_epic_editorIntegrates the markdown editor EpicEditor with Rails and Simple Form.
45111,13346,897dragonfly_puppeteerDragonfly plugin that uses Puppeteer to generate screenshots and PDFs
46115,50080,049mongoid_localized_presence_validatorSelectively validate presence in Monogid localized fields
47118,27280,049mongoid_occurrence_viewsMakes one's life easier when working with events that have multiple occurrences, or a r...
48142,606163,113simple_form_dependent_fieldsShow or hide dependent fields in forms based on checkboxes, radios and selects.
49142,78680,049mongoid_localized_fields_fallback_patchA patch for mongoid localized fields, making it fallback through locale values that are...
50143,33446,897dragonfly-moped_data_storeDragonfly data store that uses Moped::GridFS.
51149,872163,113simple_form_wysihtmlIntegrates Wysihtml5 editor with Rails and Simple Form.
52154,83561,626extensis_portfolioA simple wrapper for the Extensis Portfolio API using the SOAP client Savon and the HTT...
53155,50546,897dragonfly_chrome_headlessUses Headless Chrome to generate PDF from HTML
54156,58380,049tessituraSimple wrapper of Tessitura API.
55176,46313,248puppeteer_entityPuppeteerEntity provides a simple and intuitive interface for interacting with Puppetee...