1 | 39 | 69 | method_source | retrieve the sourcecode for a method |
2 | 68 | 90 | pry | Pry is a runtime developer console and IRB alternative with powerful
introspection capa... |
3 | 1,372 | 1,730 | pry-rescue | Allows you to wrap code in Pry::rescue{ } to open a pry session at any unhandled except... |
4 | 1,383 | 1,729 | interception | Provides a cross-platform ability to intercept all exceptions as they are raised. |
5 | 3,210 | 23,174 | cause | Allows you access to the error that was being handled when this exception was raised. |
6 | 3,401 | 4,941 | gist | Provides a single function (Gist.gist) that uploads a gist. |
7 | 7,158 | 68,530 | ruby18_source_location | Allows you to make use of lots of ruby 1.9.2 specific goodness |
8 | 7,587 | 9,512 | pry-highlight | Uses JSON, Nokogiri and CodeRay to highlight and prettify JSON, XML, HTML, Ruby and any... |
9 | 9,368 | 30,896 | jist | Provides a single function (Jist.gist) that uploads a gist. |
10 | 10,103 | 19,251 | ampex | Why would you want to write { |x| x['one'] } when you can write &X['one'], why indeed. |
11 | 10,277 | 12,919 | dotgpg | Easy management of gpg-encrypted backup files |
12 | 12,065 | 37,265 | pry-debundle | Hooks into Pry and removes the restrictions on loading gems imposed by Bundler only whe... |
13 | 12,276 | 68,530 | teacup | Teacup is a community-driven DSL for RubyMotion. It has CSS-like styling, and
helps cr... |
14 | 12,468 | 77,965 | source_map | Ruby support for Source Maps allows you to interact with Source Maps in Ruby. This
le... |
15 | 13,606 | 14,206 | capistrano-node-deploy | Capistrano recipes for deploying node apps |
16 | 15,234 | 18,933 | lspace | Provides the convenience of global variables, without the safety concerns. |
17 | 17,664 | 7,486 | thin-attach_socket | This is useful for running thin behind einhorn, and requires a recent eventmachine |
18 | 17,690 | 97,080 | em-connectify | EventMachine CONNECTify shim: adds CONNECT support to any protocol. |
19 | 21,070 | 17,476 | rfc2047 | Provides a method Rfc2047.decode that can decode individual headers encoded with this f... |
20 | 21,169 | 68,530 | showterm | Integrates with showterm.io for awesome sharability. |
21 | 21,856 | 30,896 | em-imap | Allows you to connect to an IMAP4rev1 server in a non-blocking fashion. |
22 | 28,496 | 77,965 | pry-syntax-hacks | Allows you to do object.@instance_var, or object.!private_method(:args), or foo.map &ob... |
23 | 45,045 | 117,678 | octokey | Allows you to use secure authentication mechanisms in place of passwords |
24 | 46,296 | 77,965 | bisect | A direct port of python's 'bisect' standard library to ruby. |
25 | 47,247 | 46,777 | encoding-codepage | Provides aliases for Encodings that have Code Page Identifiers to make it easier to int... |
26 | 56,653 | 117,678 | pry-em | em! is a synchronous wrapper around deferrables, so that you can interact with them as ... |
27 | 65,031 | 117,678 | pry-capture | This gem just installs pry-rescue. Please prefer that gem. |
28 | 69,592 | 117,678 | mongoid-rails | Strong parameter integration between rails and mongoid |
29 | 75,961 | 46,777 | cap-runit | Template for managing runit directories with capistrano 3 |
30 | 89,503 | 58,846 | c_location | Allows you to find the source location of methods written in C |
31 | 90,777 | 117,678 | secure_equals | Constant time equality (also known as time insensitive equality) lets you compare user-... |
32 | 104,042 | 58,846 | cap3-elb | Provides new commands to manage your ELB load balancer from capistrano. |
33 | 104,103 | 53,263 | console.log | Allows you to log to the console. |
34 | 107,438 | 117,678 | rack-undefined | Now you don't have to worry about bugs in your javascript code anymore! |
35 | 120,771 | 77,965 | em-monitor | EventLoops are awesome unless you're doing a lot of blocking CPU stuff, at which point ... |
36 | 123,774 | 117,678 | motion-rubygems | Not all (or even many) gems will work out of the box on RubyMotion. However some do, so... |
37 | 124,889 | 117,678 | hug | Human-Usable Git |
38 | 127,244 | 117,678 | yada_yada | The Yada Yada operator (http://search.cpan.org/~jesse/perl-5.12.0/pod/perlop.pod#Yada_Y... |
39 | 131,524 | 117,678 | pry-windows | Makes it easier to get utf-8 support for pry in windows |
40 | 135,001 | 117,678 | source_map-jsmin | This is a hacked about version of Ryan Grove's original Ruby port of jsmin that addssup... |
41 | 136,058 | 77,965 | cap-scm-upload | Uploads the contents of the release directory on every deploy |
42 | 136,391 | 97,080 | dotenv-gpg | Easy management of gpg-encrypted backup files |
43 | 137,102 | 117,678 | self | When debugging in pry, it's useful to be able to access the instance variables of any o... |
44 | 138,076 | 117,678 | pry-self | When debugging in pry, it's useful to be able to access the instance variables of any o... |