Globular_cluster's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
129,63986,038babotA simple tool to manage Twitter bots
231,93935,920ucengineA ruby library to consume the U.C.Engine API
347,75942,025chronofageCron based job scheduler
454,75986,038bignouManage VM with LXC and AUFS
566,32953,556arthropodEasy remote task execution with SQS
6108,57786,038capistrano-envyable-exportWrite your Envyable configuration as .env file on the remote server
7116,90686,038miteArthropod based Rack server
8130,18286,038chess2pngTurn chess boards into PNG images
9133,82486,038famailerMail API for an art website
10162,43386,038fafuseFuse wrapper for an art website
11162,70586,038arthropod_hls_video_encoderHLS video encoder using Arthropod
12163,55686,038arthropod_waifu2xUse Waifu2X remotely Arthropod
13168,47686,038fetch_youtube_transcriptFetch Youtube Transcript
14173,24686,038asm6502Write 6502 assembly from Ruby code