1 | 21,434 | 66,011 | owasp_zap | ruby wrapper for ZAP |
2 | 35,972 | 35,616 | obs_deploy | OBS Deployment tool |
3 | 82,181 | 107,996 | acts_as_cachable | we implemented some automatic caching to first,last and all methods |
4 | 133,424 | 66,011 | bugzilla | My work is a revamp from ruby-bugzilla from Akira TAGOH |
5 | 143,214 | 107,996 | cvssv2 | gem to parse and score cvssv2 vectors |
6 | 160,611 | 66,011 | pull_request_builder | To leverage your CI pipelining, building every GitHub PRs on obsthis gem provide the ne... |
7 | 161,055 | 107,996 | bzconsole | its a revamp from bzconsole from ruby-bugzilla |