Nagachika's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,70210,775capistrano-systemd-multiserviceCapistrano Plugin to control services by systemd
211,65624,889magellan-clicommandline tools for magellanic cloud service.
313,40317,570kuraKura is an interface to BigQuery API v2. It is a wrapper of google-api-client.
417,02059,086tengine_supporttengine_support provides utility classes/modules which is not included in active_suppor...
521,12859,086mcrainmcrain supports to run docker container for test.
626,61524,889capistrano-scm-git_with_submodule_and_resolv_symlinksCapistrano Git SCM Plugin with submodule and resolving symlink
727,40728,543magellan-railsThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
827,48328,543tengine_coretengine_core is a framework/engine to support distributed processing
927,79535,677coreaudioMac OS X CoreAudio wrapper library
1034,34659,086logger_pipelogger_pipe helps to connect child process STDOUT to Logger on realtime
1135,45728,543drive_envGenerate `.env` file from Spreadsheet in Google Drive
1236,19659,086libmagellanruby client for magellanic cloud
1340,46759,086tengine_jobtengine_job provides jobnet management
1442,04959,086tengine_eventTengine Event API to access the queue
1545,96459,086brocketsupports to build Docker Container with VERSION
1648,88959,086tengine_resourcetengine_resource provides physical/virtual server management
1752,15559,086milcsupports gcloud idempotent action of create, update and delete.
1861,41559,086tengine_rails_plugintengine_rails_plugin supports the use of tengine in Rails application.
1962,82259,086tengine_job_agenttengine_job_agent works with tengine_job
2064,75159, REST API Library.
2172,30659,086magellan-publisherThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
2273,13259,086razykRazyK is a LazyK implementetion by pure ruby.
2374,09659,086ant_colony_optimizerAnt Colony Optimizer Library
2474,64159,086acmesmith-google-cloud-dnsThis gem is a plugin for acmesmith and implements an automated dns-01 challenge respond...
2586,24859,086mongoid_loggerLog into both log file and mongodb log collection
2687,23059,086tengine_resource_ec2tengine_resource_ec2 provides physical/virtual server management for EC2
2787,88159,086tengine_resource_wakametengine_resource_wakame provides physical/virtual server management for wakame-vdc
2888,05959,086differentiationdifferentiation.gem implement a kind of Automatic differentiation algorithm. It can con...
2993,00159,086magellan-log-funnellog collector for magellanic cloud service.
30116,24959,086puredataRuby library to manipulate PureData (Pd-extended) via socket.
31127,31559,086femme_fataleraise CRuby internal fatal error by calling rb_fatal()
32154,53059,086yarfyarf means Yet Another Rails Fixture
33156,75459,086gcsGroovenauts' wrapper library for Google Cloud Storage with google-api-ruby-client
34164,79535,677gcp-api-discovery-watcherI AM ALL SEEING EYES