1 | 8,253 | 13,203 | tax_cloud | Calculate sales tax using the TaxCloud.net API |
2 | 54,086 | 97,699 | acts_as_king | Hierarchical ActiveRecord models. Inspired by acts_as_tree. Trees are shady. |
3 | 67,791 | 20,946 | strikeiron | Ruby gem to handle tax calculation using the Strikeiron API. |
4 | 97,012 | 36,605 | textcaptcha | Ruby gem to use the textcaptcha.com service |
5 | 121,857 | 97,699 | invoicepdf | Easily create PDF invoices |
6 | 124,287 | 97,699 | octave | Collect application performance metrics. |
7 | 146,560 | 53,223 | retailigence_ruby | Ruby library for interactiing with Retailigence. |