Aprescott's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,4844,318sidekiq-bulkAugments Sidekiq job classes with a push_bulk method for easier bulk pushing.
27,3417,714sidekiq-symbolsForces Sidekiq jobs to use symbolized keys and enables keyword arguments.
323,62725,520serifSerif is a static site generator and blogging system powered by markdown files and an o...
444,538132,035redheadString header metadata.
584,06937,537timeout_cacheSimple time-based cache.
688,66121,119vcdiff.rbPure-Ruby VCDIFF encoder/decoder.
790,25337,537rack-previewManipulate page preview thumbnails for your Rack app.
894,40737,537inexact_equality_warningWarn when comparing floats for equality.
995,092132,035bentley_mcilroyA compression scheme using the Bentley-McIlroy data compression technique of finding lo...
1097,734132,035sydeSyde is a symmetric data encryption library written in Ruby, licensed under the MIT lic...
11118,80937,537chaocipherChaoCipher is a Ruby implementation of the Chaocipher cipher, invented by J. F. Byrne; ...
12124,34137,537beesPut some bees in your web server.
13139,53837,537rake-typoProvides a list of possible tasks you might have meant when Rake can't find a task you'...