1 | 16,507 | 66,923 | ngmin-rails | Use ngmin in the Rails asset pipeline. |
2 | 32,272 | 66,923 | battlenet | Easily consume Blizzard's Community Platform API. |
3 | 49,335 | 66,923 | wowheadr | Leverage the power of Wowhead for your Ruby projects. |
4 | 68,168 | 43,406 | dataloaderb | Easily create, run, and extend Apex Data Loader processes on Windows via Ruby |
5 | 80,488 | 66,923 | UDJrb | Classes and extensions to make working with the UniData Java API easier. |
6 | 96,658 | 66,923 | placekitten | A small library to generate placekitten images. |
7 | 117,316 | 66,923 | udjrb | Classes and extensions to make working with the UniData Java API easier. |