1 | 36,504 | 74,615 | aws_onchange | Check easily change on models, and run action |
2 | 45,445 | 74,615 | maj-text-counter-rails | Integrate majTextCounter with Rails asset pipelin for easy of use |
3 | 61,900 | 131,601 | aws_imageshack | The gem allow to use imageshack to host your images. You just need to require and API k... |
4 | 98,899 | 131,601 | activerecord_i18n | A simple gem to add a translation mechanic to your existing apps |
5 | 162,832 | 94,020 | oweb3_soft_delete | Small gem to add soft delete feature to active record |
6 | 183,072 | 131,601 | cnd_excel2yaml | Gem lib convert exell file to yaml |