1 | 4,875 | 6,097 | gender_detector | Guess gender from first name, with multilingual support. |
2 | 9,012 | 18,157 | abanalyzer | A/B test analysis library for Ruby |
3 | 13,638 | 61,367 | gatling_gun | A Ruby library wrapping SendGrid's Newsletter API. |
4 | 17,320 | 61,367 | ankusa | Text classifier with HBase, Cassandra, or Mongo storage |
5 | 17,713 | 33,893 | configulator | Configurator allows you to maintain a single file with configuration values that can be... |
6 | 17,735 | 61,367 | sexmachine | Get gender from first name. |
7 | 18,426 | 41,086 | toquen | Toquen: Capistrano + AWS + Chef-Solo |
8 | 20,685 | 61,367 | gridcli | A command line interface to The Grid: Social Networking, Web 0.2 |
9 | 26,096 | 61,367 | bandit | Bandit provides a way to do multi-armed bandit optimization of alternatives in a rails ... |
10 | 26,669 | 61,367 | giddy | Ruby client for Getty API |
11 | 38,552 | 61,367 | hbaserb | Ruby HBase library using Thrift |
12 | 38,932 | 61,367 | ganapati | Hadoop HDFS Thrift interface for Ruby |
13 | 39,006 | 61,367 | bizratr | Get business ratings. |
14 | 45,359 | 15,060 | omniauth-parallelmarkets | Parallel Markets OAuth strategy for OmniAuth. |
15 | 53,831 | 61,367 | former | Converts HTML to form fields for editing values in the HTML |
16 | 62,669 | 61,367 | grid-plugin-echo | A simple grid module that loudly uses all of the gridcli hooks. |
17 | 63,161 | 61,367 | calculon | Calculon provides aggregate time functions for ActiveRecord. |
18 | 66,642 | 61,367 | burghers | Use Open Calais. Easily. |
19 | 70,063 | 61,367 | googleapps-auth | Use Google Apps as an Authentication Provider |
20 | 72,512 | 61,367 | houdah | Ruby lib for interacting with a Hadoop JobTracker / TaskTrackers |
21 | 84,656 | 61,367 | robostripper | Strip HTML websites as though they provided a REST interface. Like a Robot. |
22 | 85,525 | 61,367 | starbucks | Find starbuckses. |
23 | 99,573 | 61,367 | grid-plugin-osx-notifier | A grid module that sends a notification when there are new messages. |
24 | 120,616 | 61,367 | chickenbox | ChickenBox installs all missing gems in an asynchronous manner. |
25 | 130,498 | 61,367 | sip | SQL database importer for Hadoop / Hive |
26 | 144,761 | 61,367 | genderdetector | DON'T USE! This is a placeholder gem. Please see gender_detector. |