Bmuller's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,8756,097gender_detectorGuess gender from first name, with multilingual support.
29,01218,157abanalyzerA/B test analysis library for Ruby
313,63861,367gatling_gunA Ruby library wrapping SendGrid's Newsletter API.
417,32061,367ankusaText classifier with HBase, Cassandra, or Mongo storage
517,71333,893configulatorConfigurator allows you to maintain a single file with configuration values that can be...
617,73561,367sexmachineGet gender from first name.
718,42641,086toquenToquen: Capistrano + AWS + Chef-Solo
820,68561,367gridcliA command line interface to The Grid: Social Networking, Web 0.2
926,09661,367banditBandit provides a way to do multi-armed bandit optimization of alternatives in a rails ...
1026,66961,367giddyRuby client for Getty API
1138,55261,367hbaserbRuby HBase library using Thrift
1238,93261,367ganapatiHadoop HDFS Thrift interface for Ruby
1339,00661,367bizratrGet business ratings.
1445,35915,060omniauth-parallelmarketsParallel Markets OAuth strategy for OmniAuth.
1553,83161,367formerConverts HTML to form fields for editing values in the HTML
1662,66961,367grid-plugin-echoA simple grid module that loudly uses all of the gridcli hooks.
1763,16161,367calculonCalculon provides aggregate time functions for ActiveRecord.
1866,64261,367burghersUse Open Calais. Easily.
1970,06361,367googleapps-authUse Google Apps as an Authentication Provider
2072,51261,367houdahRuby lib for interacting with a Hadoop JobTracker / TaskTrackers
2184,65661,367robostripperStrip HTML websites as though they provided a REST interface. Like a Robot.
2285,52561,367starbucksFind starbuckses.
2399,57361,367grid-plugin-osx-notifierA grid module that sends a notification when there are new messages.
24120,61661,367chickenboxChickenBox installs all missing gems in an asynchronous manner.
25130,49861,367sipSQL database importer for Hadoop / Hive
26144,76161,367genderdetectorDON'T USE! This is a placeholder gem. Please see gender_detector.