Martinpoljak's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
111,50157,505hash-utilsAdds more than 155 useful and frequently rather fundamental methods which are missing i...
214,66157,505ruby-versionWraps the RUBY_VERSION and RUBY_ENGINE constants and allows the elegant Ruby version nu...
315,34757,505command-builderBuilds command runnable from shell by simple and elegant way. Allows both synchronous e...
416,19057,505pipe-runExecutes shell command and returns its outputs in single call. Both synchronous and asy...
518,30857,505unix-whereisRuby interface to UNIX 'whereis' command.
618,80030,732bit-packerProvides easy declarative way of analyzing the packed bit arrays.
718,99130,732frozen-objectsProvides some syntactic sugar of implicitly frozen objects and an freezing operator use...
819,16630,732struct-fxDeclarative pure Ruby equivalent of C/C++ structs.
919,25330,732gif-infoPure Ruby analyzer of the GIF image format. Performs complete analysis of internal GIF ...
1020,69630,732optipngRuby interface to 'optipng' tool.
1121,98822,984json-rpc-objectsImplementation of JSON-RPC objects with respect to specifications compliance and API ba...
1232,19757,505qrpcQueued RPC client and server. Works as normal RPC server, but through queue interface, ...
1334,07130,732jpegoptimRuby interface to 'jpegoptim' tool.
1436,99357,505image-optimizerOptimizes given JPEG and PNG images or images in given folder. Uses several encoders fo...
1538,31257,505em-filesSequenced file reader and writer through EventMachine. Solves problem of blocking disk ...
1641,91057,505block64Encrypts and decrypts data of arbitrary length using RSA cyphers. Fixed and much faster...
1745,01757,505native-queryCool way how to speak with database server. It's ellegant DSL; the SQL query helper whi...
1850,18630,732json-rpc-objects-jsonJSON serializing support for JSON-RPC Objects. JSON-RPC Objects is complete implementat...
1950,37930,732jpegtranRuby interface to 'jpegtran' tool.
2061,36457,505multitype-introspectionAllows multiple type introspection. Currenty deprecated in favour to Hash Utils.
2161,83630,732fluent-queryCool way how to write SQL queries and general way how to convert series of method calls...
2272,34330,732fifo-cacheFast hash-like fixed size cache class with FIFO functionality which removes oldest or l...
2372,85457,505fluent-query-sqlGeneric SQL support for the Fluent Query. Fluent Query is cool way how to write SQL que...
2473,90857,505fluent-query-dbiGeneric DBI support for the Fluent Query. Fluent Query is cool way how to write SQL que...
2578,12830,732object-proxyProvides collection of four proxy objects intended for intercepting calls to instance m...
2678,40857,505em-sequenceThird approach to EventMachine lightweight concurrency. Runs declared methods and block...
2784,39757,505em-file-utilsAllows base file operations using UNIX commands such as standard library FileUtils, but...
2886,83630,732callback-adapterAdapts a callback backed interface to an standard one, so allows safe thread-synchroniz...
2992,12257,505lookup-hashHash intended for using as lookup table only for simple checking of existency of some i...
3092,73657,505fluent-query-postgresqlPostgreSQL support for the Fluent Query. Fluent Query is cool way how to write SQL quer...
3193,34857,505rb.rotateMore modern alternative to classical 'logrotate' tool with more features and less limit...
3293,97957,505fluent-query-mysqlMySQL support for the Fluent Query. Fluent Query is cool way how to write SQL queries i...
3398,16457,505yaopYet another options parser. Parses the command-line arguments and parameters. Simple, l...
34103,27257,505em-wrapperWraps objects callbacks to EventMachine next ticks, so allows transparent multiplexing ...
35119,78057,505callback-batchProvides ability to run more callbacked methods of single or more objects by elegant, r...
36124,37757,505em-batchProvides ability to run more callbacked methods backed by EventMachine of single or mor...
37125,36757,505fluent-query-sqlite3SQlite3 support for the Fluent Query. Fluent Query is cool way how to write SQL queries...
38126,15957,505json-rpc-objects-msgpackMessagePack serializing support for JSON-RPC Objects. JSON-RPC Objects is complete impl...
39126,78557,505evented-queueProvides queue driven by callbacks so suitable for asynchronous processing environments...
40128,37757,505hashfunctions-extension11 fast hash functions for general purpose non-cryptographic use implemented originally...
41128,68657,505json-rpc-objects-yamlYAML serializing support for JSON-RPC Objects. JSON-RPC Objects is complete implementat...
42128,94557,505json-rpc-objects-bsonBSON serializing support for JSON-RPC Objects. JSON-RPC Objects is complete implementat...
43128,96457,505hashfunctions11 fast hash functions for general purpose non-cryptographic use implemented originally...
44129,21857,505json-rpc-objects-psychYAML serializing support using libyaml (via Psych) for JSON-RPC Objects. JSON-RPC Objec...
45129,68057,505object-mapperProvides interface for operations above set of objects in single call. Binds method cal...
46130,63957,505object-threadsEmulates Python threading API paradigm. Creating threads by giving some block to constr...
47131,39957,505options-hashSyntactic sugar for creating hashes with options which can have defined default values ...
48134,19157,505unified-queuesUnifies many queue implementations under the single interface. Includes both single que...
49144,19057,505datasizesProvides simple API for converting 'dd' like data amount postfixes (like 3M or 4G) to b...
50148,15557,505callback-lockerSemaphore (mutex) like primitive for synchronizing callbacks.