Shanebdavis's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,1616,844literate_randomizerA random sentence and paragraph generator gem. Using Markov chains, this generates near...
214,65463,432babel_bridgeBabel Bridge is an object oriented parser generator for parsing expression grammars (PE...
332,40763,432gui_geometry2D geometry specificly designed to support graphical user interfaces and bitmaps curren...
435,58413,614saplingSapling lets you seed your new features to just a few users at a time. You can change w...
542,05541,916jekyll-image-sizeJekyll tag-plugin to read image sizes from static assets and output in many formats. G...
648,52163,432neptune_coffeeopinionated javascript-AMD-module generator
7102,18563,432xbdThe XBD gem allows you to create, load and save XBD files. XBD files are arbitrary, sel...
8104,74063,432window_blessingForget curses. Try blessings. WindowBlessing is an evented, windowing framework for ter...
9139,59541,916raw_imageGem for storing and manipulating raw, uncompressed bitmap images