Emxyzptlk's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,70142,025capistrano-extsCapistrano exts is a set of helper tasks to help with the initial server configuration ...
221,89331,663contaoContao Integration with Rails Asset Pipeline, Compass and Capistrano
325,42286,038capistrano-multistageCapistrano multistage extensions
428,65486,038watch_towerWatchTower helps you track how much time you spend on all of your projects.
533,27435,920capistrano-utilsCapistrano small recipes and methods
636,26453,556capistrano-databaseCapistrano recipes for database server management
740,10853,556capistrano-contaoCapistrano recipes for Contao deployment
841,77253,556buglocoBugloco ruby gem for sending exceptions to Bugloco
944,95486,038capistrano-contentCapistrano recipes for content managment
1045,59586,038faker19Faker, a port of Data::Faker from Perl, is used to easily generate fake data: names, ad...
1151,15586,038tg_configA simple YAML configuration reader and writer
1264,30386,038transmuterThe Alien device to convert Markdown and Textile files to HTML or PDF.
1367,29386,038tg_cliHelpers around Thor extracted from the Vagrant gem.
1468,84986,038capistrano-technogateThis gem provides some receipts for helping me in my every-day development
15112,07486,038rails-indexesA rake task to track down missing database indexes. does not assume that all foreign ke...
16121,99386,038vimiusVimius support files
17122,72386,038capistrano-serverCapistrano recipes for managing servers