Mirakui's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,0893,738arproxyArproxy is a proxy between ActiveRecord and database adapter
24,0334,417rack-healthRack::Health is a health check interface for rack applications.
34,1863,081activerecord-mysql-index-hintMySQL index hint support for ActiveRecord
413,56025,458ec2sshec2ssh is a ssh_config manager for AWS EC2
530,20115,400rack-storeRack::Store is a Rack middleware what makes the env accessible anywhere while a request
638,04463,432tailstromtailstrom is an utility for "tail -f"
751,05115,400retrobotBot for twitter, which tweets a word that you've tweeted just 1 year ago
898,87363,432activerecord-mysql-sql-cacheAn ActiveRecord extension for enabling SQL_CACHE and SQL_NO_CACHE in MySQL queries
9125,67563,432lzmatRuby bindings for LZMAT. LZMAT is an fast real-time lossless data compression library.
10136,27530,305dotenv-schemaDefines schema for dotenv
11137,86230,305dotenv-schema-railsLoads environment variables with dotenv-schema in Rails