Hunterae's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,11330,305blocksBlocks gives you total control over how your blocks of code render.
211,39663,432table-fortable-for is a table builder for an array of objects, easily allowing overriding of how...
315,17063,432call_with_paramsCall a Proc with an arbitrary number of params. The Proc will only be passed the number...
416,00015,400with_templateRender a template (partial) and easily override any of the components of the template
516,05816,639dumpableGenerate the SQL to insert a single record and all of its dependencies
619,34163,432building-blocksBuildingBlocks goes beyond blocks and partials
738,16863,432has-relationshipWith has_relationship, you can instantly create an association between any two database...
848,40163,432cashstar-rubyCashStar's API provides a simple interface for purchasing and issuing electronic gift c...
964,37463,432list-forlist-for is a list builder for an array of objects, easily allowing overriding of how a...
1074,51663,432bffForm Builder with theme support and easy overrides how form fields and wrappers generate
1187,52063,432strong_like_bullMakes it super simple to add strong parameters into your application by examining reque...
12118,49063,432update-fieldsupdate-fields provides convience methods for running an atomic update on a single field...
13157,53763,432fockFuture home to the F(orm) (Bl)ock (Builder)