1 | 30,524 | 47,329 | latinirb | This gem takes initial data describing a LatinVerb and allows this is be instantiated i... |
2 | 40,278 | 74,510 | learn_create | learn_create is a tool for creating learn.co lessons on github |
3 | 41,823 | 74,510 | latinverb | This gem takes the four principal parts of a standard Latin verb and then fully conjuga... |
4 | 64,639 | 74,510 | learn_duplicate | learn_duplicate is a tool for duplicating learn.co lessons on github |
5 | 77,728 | 74,510 | linguistics_latin | Constants and grammatical definitions for the Latin language |
6 | 78,128 | 74,510 | latinverb_querent_for_classification_builder | Generate a querent for a verb classification in LatinVerb |
7 | 78,845 | 74,510 | latinverb_type_evaluator | "Type" is key stem associated with the verb versus the
classification. i.e. a verb... |
8 | 79,463 | 74,510 | latinverb_classifier | Library for classifying Latin verbs |
9 | 91,401 | 74,510 | latinverb_participles | Extraction of participles factory from LatinVerb |
10 | 91,538 | 74,510 | latinverb_irregular_imperatives_retriever | Lookup imperatives from Linguistics::Latin-defined collection of irregulars |
11 | 91,645 | 74,510 | latinverb_stem_deriver | Extracts a "stem" from a LatinVerb |
12 | 91,673 | 74,510 | latinverb_irregular_participles_retriever | Lookup participles from Linguistics::Latin-defined collection of irregulars |
13 | 91,965 | 47,329 | latinverb_irregular_verb_definition_consumer | Abstraction for retrieving raw serializations of irregualr verb definitions |
14 | 91,965 | 74,510 | latinverb_imperatives | Component for LatinVerb to do imperatives calculation |
15 | 92,231 | 74,510 | latinverb_imperative_block | Extract ImperativeBlock from LatinVerb |
16 | 92,444 | 74,510 | latinverb_irregular_infinitives_retriever | A tool to derive infinitives for an irregular Latin verb |
17 | 92,566 | 74,510 | latinverb_principal_parts_extractor | Class for extracting principal parts from a Latin sumary string |
18 | 92,795 | 74,510 | latinverb_serialization | Serialization component to LatinVerb |
19 | 92,845 | 74,510 | latinverb_infinitives | Component to construct infinitives in LatinVerb |
20 | 94,845 | 74,510 | latinverb_deponent_string_deriver | Derives a "fake" description string for a LatinVerb to represent it in a deponent state |
21 | 96,375 | 74,510 | macronconversions | Convert strings like 'laud\={a}re' to 'laudāre' using
ASCII-compatible escape codes. |
22 | 96,530 | 74,510 | latinchart | This gem allows one to generate a chart of the full conjugations of one
of each of th... |
23 | 100,109 | 74,510 | verbvector | Use a DSL to describe the verb tense framework of a language and have it generate metho... |
24 | 110,180 | 74,510 | linguistics_latin_tense_block | Abstraction for extracting person / number combinations from an abstraction (TenseBlock... |
25 | 114,934 | 74,510 | linguistics_latin_imperative_block | Construct for an imperative block |
26 | 148,369 | 74,510 | latinverb_chart_presenter | A library for displaying a LatinVerb |