1 | 2,615 | 3,351 | yell | Yell - Your Extensible Logging Library. Define multiple adapters, various log level com... |
2 | 15,441 | 35,920 | yell-rails | Yell - Your Extensible Logging Library. Define multiple adapters, various log level com... |
3 | 15,507 | 35,920 | yell-adapters-syslog | Syslog adapter for Yell |
4 | 15,944 | 86,038 | yell-adapters-gelf | Graylog2 adapter for Yell |
5 | 23,046 | 53,556 | capistrano-strategy-copy-bundled | Bundle all gems in the copy directory and then send it to all servers |
6 | 28,486 | 24,968 | alertify-rails | Use Alertify.js with Rails 3 and 4 |
7 | 29,061 | 42,025 | google_charts | GoogleCharts is a Ruby wrapper to the Google Chart API |
8 | 30,259 | 86,038 | nav | Simple nagivation builder |
9 | 32,653 | 86,038 | cottontail | Convenience wrapper around the AMQP Bunny gem to better handle routing_key specific mes... |
10 | 75,538 | 86,038 | rack-http-enforcer | Rack::HttpEnforcer is a simple Rack middleware to enforce http connections |
11 | 76,086 | 86,038 | canonical_dude | canonical_dude is a Rails plugin to easily set your preferred version of a URL via the ... |
12 | 96,092 | 42,025 | little_log_friend | LittleLogFriend sets your standard logger to the format: "DATE TIME [ LEVEL ] PID : MES... |
13 | 119,315 | 86,038 | awe | Write a gem description |
14 | 119,665 | 86,038 | capistrano-strategy-copy-working-dir | Not every server allows access to rubygems or other repository sources, so this is just... |
15 | 122,732 | 86,038 | berlusconi | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
16 | 130,877 | 86,038 | flexible | Description |
17 | 134,364 | 53,556 | hime | Write a gem description |
18 | 136,354 | 53,556 | limber | Write a gem description |