Gzigzigzeo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,8283,881sidekiq-groupingAllows identical sidekiq jobs to be processed with a single background call
27,09014,266stellar-baseThe stellar-base library is the lowest-level stellar helper library. It consists of cla...
310,57512,104carrierwave-metaThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
410,58120,294stellar-sdkStellar client library
521,50528,693fiasImports Russian FIAS database into SQL (for Ruby on Rails on PostgreSQL projects)
629,99845,403bitfield_attributeBitfield value object for ActiveModel. No hidden definitions. No callbacks. Magicless.
732,82220,294pg_closure_tree_rebuildQuick #rebuild! method implementation for closure_tree on PostgreSQL.
835,15437,338tram-pagePage Object pattern
936,377105,340stateful_linkHelper to generate stateful navigation links.
1040,54213,107google_translate_diffGoogle Translate API wrapper for Ruby which helps to translate only changes between rev...
1141,42662,315cap_syncRecipes to clone database & public data from production server to developement machine
1251,96928,693mobius-clientMobius Ruby Client
1356,91145,403acts_as_sequenceEmulates sequence in MySQL database. Useful when you want your newly created object to ...
1468,78445,403sidekiq-batchingAllows identical sidekiq jobs to be processed with a single background call
1572,18062,315constructor_shortcut::call(args) => #new(args).call
1675,64822,622ebay_requesteBay API request interface
1780,09162,315format_aliasProvides virtual attributes to get or set certain model values (like dates) in huma...
1888,895105,340render_with_missing_templateExtends rails render method to render default template when expected template is missing
1989,706105,340fmt_aliasSimply create virtual fields to humanize real field values
2096,258105,340static_authStatic authentication && authorization in rails.
2199,97245,403wildcard_scopesActiveRecord scopes with dynamic names
22100,430105,340resource_specRSpec shared examples for testing Rails REST controllers
23100,49762,315arel_date_scopesSQL date functions for AREL 2 + AR 3 scopes (such as created_at_year_eq)
24102,394105,340grid_fuHTML table generator
25109,234105,340coerced_accessorProvides object attribute aliases coercing values to/from human readable format
26133,12545,403friendly_adminFriendly admin
27147,966105,340storailStòrail means "storage" in Irish
28168,15562,315mobiusrbMobius Ruby API Client