1 | 16,821 | 13,550 | clipper | Builds a native ruby extension for Clipper |
2 | 71,800 | 86,038 | cell | Provides isolation and tenancy for Rails |
3 | 72,432 | 28,793 | listpager | Ncurses list pager, controllable via stdin and stdout |
4 | 80,990 | 86,038 | cult | Fleet Management like its 1990 |
5 | 90,749 | 86,038 | ssl_allow_cname | Override what OpenSSL considers a matching CommonName |
6 | 116,795 | 42,025 | hash_param | Automatically extracts Hash parameters into formal parameters |
7 | 133,088 | 86,038 | actioncable_auto_param | Automatically extracts ActionCable objects into parameters |
8 | 139,796 | 86,038 | cursive | Declarative CSV responders for Rails |
9 | 143,885 | 86,038 | term-vt102 | VT102 terminal implementation |
10 | 156,938 | 86,038 | babysms | Functionality to send SMS via Twilio, Nexmo, etc. |
11 | 172,345 | 53,556 | keyslime | Keyslime Key Distribution |
12 | 173,082 | 53,556 | keyslime-client | Keyslime Client |
13 | 173,099 | 53,556 | keyslime-common | Keyslime Support Package |
14 | 173,099 | 53,556 | keyslime-server | Keyslime Server |