1 | 3,418 | 7,745 | td-client | Treasure Data API library for Ruby |
2 | 9,319 | 61,367 | embulk-output-td | TreasureData output plugin is an Embulk plugin that loads records to Treasure Data read... |
3 | 9,700 | 6,139 | ansi-to-html | ANSI color sequence to HTML |
4 | 10,276 | 11,223 | phpass-ruby | phpass for ruby |
5 | 12,322 | 33,893 | fluentd-ui | Web UI for Fluentd |
6 | 15,553 | 61,367 | embulk-input-marketo | Loads records from Marketo. |
7 | 16,913 | 19,101 | perfect_retry | Retry handling kit |
8 | 18,750 | 61,367 | embulk-input-mixpanel | Loads records from Mixpanel. |
9 | 19,708 | 61,367 | embulk-input-zendesk | Loads records From Zendesk |
10 | 20,599 | 33,893 | embulk-input-sftp | Reads files stored on remote server using SFTP. |
11 | 22,105 | 61,367 | embulk-input-google_analytics | Loads records from Google Analytics. |
12 | 22,769 | 61,367 | embulk-input-jira | JIRA Embulk input plugin. |
13 | 23,108 | 61,367 | kyototycoon | KyotoTycoon client for Ruby |
14 | 23,466 | 61,367 | embulk-output-mailchimp | Dumps records to MailChimp. |
15 | 26,818 | 15,060 | masque | JavaScript enabled web crawler kit |
16 | 28,471 | 61,367 | embulk-output-ftp | Store files using FTP. |
17 | 30,621 | 61,367 | embulk-input-azure_blob_storage | An Embulk plugin to loads records from Azure Blob Storage. |
18 | 33,709 | 61,367 | embulk-output-azure_blob_storage | Dumps records to Microsoft Azure Blob Storage. |
19 | 38,209 | 21,627 | everyleaf-embulk_helper | Add some handy helpers for developing Embulk plugins |
20 | 39,930 | 41,086 | embulk-parser-query_string | Parses Query String files read by other file input plugins. |
21 | 41,004 | 61,367 | grill | Implant Gemfile into your script |
22 | 41,167 | 61,367 | crontab-parser | crontab parser for ruby |
23 | 47,675 | 61,367 | gyaazle | Gyazo like image uploader to Google Drive |
24 | 51,677 | 61,367 | gem_release_helper | Add some handy helpers for developing Embulk plugins |
25 | 63,191 | 61,367 | embulk-input-sfdc | Loads sObjects using SOQL from Salesforce.com |
26 | 78,304 | 61,367 | hisyo | Create simple Sinatra project template |
27 | 84,887 | 61,367 | autopagerize | Concat paginated web pages to single page |
28 | 86,142 | 61,367 | fluent-plugin-webhook-github | fluentd input plugin for receive GitHub webhook |
29 | 87,608 | 61,367 | silent_worker | SilentWorker gives simple worker thread model |
30 | 102,450 | 61,367 | sprockets-jsx | JSX support for Sprockets |
31 | 125,668 | 61,367 | horobi | mesh network builder with ZeroMQ |
32 | 127,266 | 61,367 | guard-rackup | Alternative of shotgun that built on guard |
33 | 146,406 | 61,367 | jebanni | SSE Streaming server (not Rack) |