Tinbka's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,11811,055emailageEmailage is a Fraud Prevention Solution. This gem implements a client for the Emailage ...
213,17241,086rmtoolsRMTools is a collection of helpers for debug, text/array/file processing and simply eas...
320,29841,086rhackRHACK is Ruby Http ACcess Kit: curl-based web-client framework created for developing w...
427,48241,086traceeTracee is a simple extensible logger with stack tracing, benchmarking, preprocessing, a...
572,11561,367apiqueApique modules replace tons of API cotrollers code which makes trivial actions includin...
693,66361,367cancan-exportExports CanCan rules to the client-side.
798,25161,367scite-sessionRestores and arranges multiple SciTE sessions within KDE
8154,16041,086omniauth-underarmourOmniAuth OAuth2 strategy for UnderArmour
9156,93861,367curiosityStub for the future web-scraping framework