Wapcaplet's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
122,58125,458kelpKelp is a collection of helper methods for Cucumber to ease the process of writing ...
230,80912,386rselRsel provides a Slim fixture for running Selenium tests, with step methods written ...
347,45463,432placidPlacid is an ActiveRecord-ish model using a REST API for storage. The REST API can ...
453,22763,432cherbyCherby is a Ruby wrapper for the Cherwell Web Service.
570,23463,432cukableCukable allows running Cucumber test scenarios from FitNesse
681,11463,432spassspass generates passphrases using random words
796,02525,458rtrailRTrail wraps the TestRail API v2.0 in Ruby objects
898,59730,305rubyslim-unofficialRubySliM implements the SliM protocol for the FitNesse acceptance testing framework...
9101,27163,432jirabyJiraby is a Ruby wrapper for the JIRA REST API, supporting Jira 6.x.
10125,09763,432fitnexusFitNexus installs a FitNesse wiki with several enhancements, including Mastiffe for...