Srt's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,6692,779randexpLibrary for generating random strings from regular expressions.
218,12919,502sinatra-content-forSmall Sinatra extension to add a content_for helper similar to Rails'
325,32810,626mgminimal gem
426,24514,623shout-botRidiculously simple library to quickly say something on IRC
527,30557,505jankyJanky is a Continuous Integration server
634,79257,505integrityYour Friendly Continuous Integration server. Easy, fun and painless!
740,68157,505apeThe Atom Protocol Exerciser
843,27657,505ey_recipesGem for kicking off chef recipes
943,67530,732mason-serverbuilds things
1047,98357,505bobBob the Builder will build your code. Simple.
1150,94457,505sinatra-authorizationHTTP Authorization helpers for Sinatra.
1260,43030,732bobetteBob's sister
1371,28857,505integrity-emailEasily let Integrity send emails after each build
1479,51257,505bob-the-builderBob the Builder will build your code. Simple.
1588,46757,505sinatra-dittiesA series of plugins and useful helpers for the Sinatra web framework
1690,28057,505mason-clientbuilds things
1790,31330,732integrity-ircIRC notifier for the Integrity continuous integration server
18113,37030,732bob-testtest helpers shared among Bob, Bobette and Integrity
19116,75857,505ninjaRun background tasks easily
20118,59830,732dsta KISS GTD manager for the command line lovers.
21123,08157,505integrity-campfireEasily let Integrity alert Campfire after each build