Casecommons's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,10961,367chef_capchef_cap uses chef"s JSON config format to drive both capistrano and chef-solo"
213,02761,367schematicAutomatic XSD generation from ActiveRecord models
313,3468,182capybara-accessibleA Selenium based webdriver and Capybara extension that runs Google Accessibility Develo...
415,23461,367active_tableDynamically-populated ActiveRecord models based on static data
516,61310,892pg_audit_logA completely transparent audit logging component for your application using a stored pr...
625,86013,506multiparameter_date_timeSet a DateTime via two accessors, one for the date, one for the time
734,69761,367remote_runCan be used as a parallel unit test runner
849,16361,367teststrapA test generator for cookbook
963,05061,367rack_respond_to_malformed_formatsRails currently returns HTML 500 responses when sent unparsable XML and JSON and gives ...
1087,41233,893padlockPadlock is an environment-based component switch system.
1191,56761,367resque-class-statsShow queued Resque job statistics by job class
1299,70661,367casecumberBehaviour Driven Development with elegance and joy
13111,80661,367undercasePattern library for Casebook
14123,98961,367casecumber-railsCucumber Generators and Runtime for Rails
15143,22461,367db_obfuscationdb_obfuscation is a gem that helps to prepare a production size obfuscated database. Th...