Mikbe's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
135,54857,505hashmodelA hash based MVC model class that makes searching and updating deeply nested hashes a b...
235,75057,505commandableThe easiest way to add command line control to your Ruby app. You can add a single line...
339,83930,732eventableProvides an easy to use and understand event model. If you want a simple, light-weight ...
459,24657,505widgetA demonstration app showing how to use Commandable and HashModel. It also serves as a t...
574,67357,505chicken_littleUses the officially sanctioned method fix the incredibly annoying deprecation warnings ...
680,51157,505rugs= RUGS - RUby Git Setup A helper script that makes setting up remote git repositories ...
794,42257,505term-ansicolor-hiExactly the same as term-ansicolor but includes high intensity colors
897,37757,505brawlWrite robotic assassins using Ruby and watch them as they do your evil bidding.
9119,88557,505rugNothing to see here, move along.
10125,99630,732GoNodesIf you need to create simple (in the mathematical sense), weighted graphs with rand...
11163,32357,505switch** NON-FUNCTIONING! PLACE HOLDER ONLY ** Install, manage, and switch between Ruby versi...