1 | 12,925 | 107,887 | esp-commons | Description of EspCommons. |
2 | 14,726 | 17,924 | has_enum | Gem for and Rails3 to easily handle enumeration attributes in ActiveRecord's models |
3 | 15,092 | 16,138 | has_searcher | This gem adds ability to construct search objects for indexed models, build search form... |
4 | 16,584 | 107,887 | el_vfs_client | Description of ElVfsClient. |
5 | 16,931 | 16,344 | openteam-commons | Description of OpenteamCommons. |
6 | 17,126 | 107,887 | esp-auth | Description of EspAuth. |
7 | 18,573 | 17,626 | openteam-capistrano | OpenTeam common capistrano3 recipe |
8 | 19,958 | 147,291 | esp-permissions | Description of EspPermissions. |
9 | 22,039 | 18,935 | sso_client | Client gem for connecting to SSO server (http://github.com/openteam/sso_server) |
10 | 28,370 | 23,369 | sso-auth | Description of SsoAuth. |
11 | 33,000 | 107,887 | esp-ckeditor | EspCkeditor. |
12 | 37,550 | 40,267 | formtastic_date_as_string | Creates input :as => :string for date field |
13 | 44,839 | 40,267 | paperclip-elvfs | Paperclip ElVFS adapter |
14 | 69,885 | 147,291 | annotated_models | Add a comment summarizing the current schema to the top or bottom of each of your models |
15 | 92,043 | 147,291 | esp-gems | ESP's gemset |
16 | 97,060 | 107,887 | esp-views | Description of EspViews. |
17 | 101,873 | 53,644 | tusur_cdn | TUSUR CDN client |
18 | 106,955 | 107,887 | ruby-spreadsheet | As of version 0.6.0, only Microsoft Excel compatible spreadsheets are supported |
19 | 123,867 | 147,291 | el_vfs | Description of ElVfs. |
20 | 125,876 | 84,493 | protected_parent | Stops the deletion of an ActiveRecord object when members of a specified child associat... |
21 | 132,614 | 107,887 | openteam-modest_model | Simple, tableless ActiveModel-compliant models. Like ActiveRecord models without the da... |